Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
SchemaManager<TSchemaManagerSchema> Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core Namespace : SchemaManager<TSchemaManagerSchema> Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by SchemaManager<TSchemaManagerSchema>.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAppConnectionSystem connection.  
Public PropertyCompileDependencies  
Public PropertyDefSchemaThe base schema.  
Public PropertyIsInItemAddedDetermines whether the ItemAdded event is initialized.  
Public PropertyIsInItemAddingDetermines whether the handling of the ItemAdding event is performed.  
Public PropertyIsInItemRemovedDetermines whether the ItemRemoved event is initialized.  
Public PropertyIsInItemRemovingDetermines whether the handling of the ItemRemoving event is performed.  
Public PropertyIsInItemSavedDetermines whether the handling of the ItemSaved event is performed.  
Public PropertyIsInItemSavingDetermines whether the handling of the ItemSaving event is performed.  
Public PropertyItemCaptionThe caption for the schema manager item.  
Public PropertyItemNameName of the schema manager item.  
Public PropertyNamespaceNamespace.  
Public PropertyProcessSchemaManagerProcess schema manager.  
Public PropertyResourceManagerNameThe name of the resource manager.  
Public PropertySchemaManagerProviderThe provider of the schema manager.  
Public PropertySupportsProfilesDetermines whether the schema manager supports the profiles.  

Public Methods

Public MethodActualizeItemDescriptorTyped interface of the item of the schema manager.  
Public MethodAddCoreSchemaOverloaded.   
Public MethodAddSchemaAdds the schema with the specified parameters to the schema manager.  
Public MethodCanEditSchema  
Public MethodClearOverridden. Removes all items from manager items collection.  
Public MethodCreateDesignSchema  
Public MethodCreateSchemaOverloaded.   
Public MethodDesignItemReturns the instance of the development time element.  
Public MethodDesignItemInCustomPackage  
Public MethodDesignSchema  
Public MethodDropInstancesDeletes instances of all schemas of the manager.  
Public MethodFillSourceCollectionOverloaded.   
Public MethodFindDesignInstanceSearches for the instance of the designed schema with the specified identifier.  
Public MethodFindDesignItemSearches for the designed item with the specified identifier.  
Public MethodFindInstanceFromMetaDataByPackageUIdFinds item with given UId with changes in elements hierarchy for package.  
Public MethodGenerateItemUniqueCaptionGenerates the unique header of the manager item, using the specified prefix.  
Public MethodGenerateItemUniqueNameGenerates the unique name of the manager item, using the specified prefix.  
Public MethodGenerateSchemaSources  
Public MethodGetDefSchemaUIdGets the identifier of the schema from which all base schemas of the schema manager derive.  
Public MethodGetDesignedItemFolderIdFromSessionDataGets the identifier of the catalog which contains the designed item schema with the specified identifier from the session data.  
Public MethodGetDesignedItemIdFromSessionData  
Public MethodGetDesignedItemPackageUIdFromSessionData  
Public MethodGetDesignInstanceGets the instance of the designed schema with the specified identifier. If no such schema is found, an exception is thrown.  
Public MethodGetDesignItemGets the designed item with the specified identifier. If no such item is found, an exception is thrown.  
Public MethodGetGeneratorReturns the source code generator for the manager schemas.  
Public MethodGetHashReturns the hash for this item.  
Public MethodGetItemFromMetaDataGets the manager item that contains the schema with the specified identifier, using the specified user connection.  
Public MethodGetItemIdByUId  
Public MethodGetItemsOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodGetMetaDataSerializerGets a serializer of the schemas of the manager.  
Public MethodGetProcessSchemaGeneratorReturns process schema generator instance.  
Public MethodGetReadableSchemaMetaDataOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetReadableSchemaMetaDataText  
Public MethodGetSchemaDesignItemGets the typed designed item with the specified identifier.  
Public MethodGetSchemaHierarchy  
Public MethodGetSchemaMetaDataGets metadata with target identifier.  
Public MethodGetSchemaMetaDataDifferencePackageGets the difference package for the schema with the specified identifier and its parent schema.  
Public MethodGetSchemaSourceGets the source code of the schema with the specified identifier.  
Public MethodGetSchemaSourcesGets the collection of objects that contain the source code of the schema with the specified identifier.  
Public MethodInitializeOverloaded.   
Public MethodInitializeItemInitializes the manager item with the specified identifier.  
Public MethodInitializeSafeSchemaCreates the schema instance for the type specified in the passed-in manager item. If the schema type is not found in the assembly, null is returned.  
Public MethodInitializeSchemaCreates the schema instance for the type specified in the passed-in manager item. If the type of the schema of the manager item is not found, an exception is thrown.  
Public MethodIsInheritedFromReturns flag that indicates if schema is inherited from specified parent schema.  
Public MethodRefreshItems  
Public MethodRemoveDesignedItemFromSessionDataOverloaded.   
Public MethodRemoveDesignedItemIdFromSessionData  
Public MethodRemoveDesignedItemPackageUIdFromSessionData  
Public MethodRemoveItemByUIdRemoves item with given UId from manager items collection.  
Public MethodRemoveSchemaRemoves the schema with the specified identifier from the database.  
Public MethodSaveDesignedItemFolderIdInSessionDataSaves the passed-in identifier of the catalog which contains the designed item schema with the specified identifier to the session data.  
Public MethodSaveDesignedItemIdInSessionData  
Public MethodSaveDesignedItemInSessionDataOverloaded.   
Public MethodSaveDesignedItemPackageUIdInSessionData  
Public MethodSaveSchemaOverloaded.   
Public MethodSaveSchemaInCustomPackageOverloaded.   
Public MethodSaveSchemaMetaData  
Public MethodSaveSchemaSourcesSaves the source code from the passed-in collection.  
Public MethodTryGenerateSchemaSources  

Public Events

Public EventChanged  
Public EventItemAddedEvent that occurs after adding a new schema.  
Public EventItemAddingEvent that occurs before adding a new schema.  
Public EventItemRemovedEvent that occurs after deleting a schema.  
Public EventItemRemovingEvent that occurs before deleting a schema.  
Public EventItemSavedEvent that occurs after saving a schema.  
Public EventItemSavingEvent that occurs before saving a schema.  

See Also

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